SN 0673-1997.Method for the determination of salinomycin resideus in meats and meat products for export- Filter disc method.1范围SN 0673规定了出口肉及肉制品中盐霉索残...
SN 0672-1997.Method for the determination of di ethylstilbestrol residues in meats and meat products for export-Radi oimmunoassay.1范围SN 0672规定了出口肉及肉制品中己烯...
SN 0671-1997.Mehtod for the determination of lincomycin residues in meats and meat products for export-Cylinder plate method.1范围SN 0671规定了出口肉及肉制品中林可霉素...
SN 0670-1997.Method for the determination of tylosin residues in eges for export-Cylinder plate method.1范围SN 0670规定了出口禽蛋中泰乐菌素残留量检验的抽样、制...
SN 0669-1997.Method for the determination of gent amycin residues in meats and meat products for export-Cylinder plate method.1范围SN 0669规定了出口肉及肉制品中庆大霉索...
SN 0668-1997.Method for the determination of colistin residues in meats and meat products for export-Cylinder plate method.1范围SN 0668规定了出口肉及肉制品中粘菌素残留...
SN 0667-1997.Method for the determination of testoster one propionate residues in meats and meat pr oducts for export-Radi oi mmunoassay.1范围SN 0667规定了出口肉及肉制品中...
SN 0666-1997.Method for the determination of oleandomycin resi dues in meats and meat products for export-Cylinder plate method.1范围SN 0666规定了出口肉及肉制品中竹桃霉...
SN 0665-1997.Method for the determination of estriol residues in meats and meat products for export-Radi oimmunoassay.1范围SN 0665规定了出口肉及肉制品中雌三醇残留量...
SN 0664-1997.Method for the determination of setradiol residues in meats and meat products for export-Radi oi mmunoassay.1范围SN 0664规定了出口肉及肉制品中雌:二醇残留...