SN/T 4860-2017.Naming specifications of inspection and quarantine information equipment.1范围SN/T 4860规定了检验检疫信息化设备命名需遵循的基本原则和方法。...
SN/T 4859-2017.Identification of M ycobacterium tuberculosis complex at frontier port.1范围SN/T 4859规定了国境口岸结核分枝杆菌复合群鉴定的生物安全要求、鉴...
SN/T 4853.3-2017.Quantitative detection of genetically modified rice-Digital PCR-Part 3:Event KF6.1范围SN/T 4853.3规定了稻谷和大米中科丰6号品系的数字PCR定量检测...
SN/T 4848.8-2017.Identification of common honey plant species in export honey-Real-time PCR method- Part 8:Milk Vetch.1范围SN/T 4848.8规定了出口蜂蜜中紫云英成分的实时...
SN/T 4848.7-2017.Identification of common honey plant species in export honey-Real-time PCR method-Part 7:Litchi and longan.1范围SN/T 4848.7规定了出口蜂蜜中荔枝、龙眼成...
SN/T 4848.6-2017.Identification of common honey plant species in export honey-Real-time PCR method-Part 6: Longan.1范围SN/T 4848.6规定了出口蜂蜜中龙眼成分的实时荧光...
SN/T 4848.5-2017.Identification of common honey plant species in export honey-Real-time PCR method-Part 5:Tilia.1范围SN/T 4848.5规定了出口蜂蜜中椴树成分的实时荧光...
SN/T 4848.3-2017.Identification of common honey plant species in export honey-Real-time PCR method-Part 3:Locust tree.1范围SN/T 4848.3规定了出口蜂蜜中洋槐成分的实时荧...
SN/T 4848.2-2017.Identification of common honey plant species in export honey-Real-time PCR method- Part 2 :Canola.1范围SN/T 4848.2规定了出口蜂蜜中油菜成分的实时荧光...
SN/T 4811-2017.Determination of emamectin benzoate residues in live animal for import and export-LC-MS/ MS method.1范围SN/T 4811规定了猪、牛、羊、鸡、鸭、鹅等进出口...