SN/T 4670-2016.Textiles for import and export-Determination of glyoxal , formaldehyde andglutaraldehyde-High performance liquid chromatography.1范围SN/T 4670规定了纺织品中游...
SN/T 4669-2016.Import and export textile-Standard method of fire resistance test for flame propagation of vertical configuration textiles-Open-face test chamber.1范围SN/T 4669规定...
SN/T 4667-2016.Import and export textiles-Determination of capillary effect-Dynamic test method.1范围SN/T 4667规定了采用数字化仪器测定纺织品毛细效应的方法。...
SN/T 4666-2016.Import and export textiles-Determination of hexavalent chromium-HPLC-ICP-MS method.1范围SN/T 4666规定了纺织品萃取液中可萃取六价铬的高效液相色谱...
SN/T 4664-2016.Textiles for import and export-Determination of benzotriazole antiultr aviolet finishing agents-High performance liquid chromatography method.1范围SN/T 4664规定了纺...
SN/T 4655-2016.Determination of glyphosate and its metablize residues in foodstuffs for export-HPLC-MS/MS method.1范围SN/T 4655规定了出口食品中草甘膦及其代谢物(氨甲...
SN/T 4645-2016.Methods for quality inspection of imported soy beans.1范围SN/T 4645规定了进口大豆感观和理化品质检验的术语和定义、分类及其检验方法。S...
SN/T 4642-2016.Technical standard of quarantine treatment for oriental fruit fly (Bactrocea dorsalis) and oriental fruit moth (Gra pholita molesta) of Loquat.1范围SN/T 4642规定了...
SN/T 4638-2016.Detection and identification of Cochlicella acuta (Miller, 1774).1范围SN/T 4638规定了尖头旋蜗牛Cochlicella acuta (Miller,1774)的检疫鉴定方法。SN/T 4...
SN/T 4632-2016.Detection and identification of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus.1范围SN/T 4632规定了小西葫芦黄花叶病毒的检疫鉴定方法。SN/T 4632适用于进出境种子...