SN/T 4630-2016.Criterion for collction and preservation of plant pathogens and disease specimen.1范围SN/T 4630规定了植物病原菌及病害标本的采集、保存和记录方面...
SN/T 4620-2016.Identification of Neost ylopyga rhombi folia.1范围SN/T 4620规定了菱叶斑蠊成虫的形态鉴定和结果判断。SN/T 4620适用于菱叶斑蠊成虫的形态鉴...
SN/T 4609-2016.Evaluating method of disinfecting efficacy for entry-exit containers.1范围SN/T 4609规定了出人境集装箱表面消毒、空气消毒效果的检测及评价方法...
SN/T 4600-2016.Guideline for quality control of the entry-exit inspection and quarantine professional standards preparation and modification.1范围SN/T 4600给出了出人境检验检...
SN/T 4597-2016.Rules for the inspection of nata de coco for import.1范围SN/T 4597规定了进口椰果的术语和定义、分类、报检、检验、结果判定及处置和复验等...
SN/T 4596-2016.Rules for the inspection of edible dried flowers for import and export.1范围.SN/T 4596规定了进出口食用干花的抽样、检验、检验结果的判定及不合...
SN/T 4590-2016.Determination of sodium pyrophosphate , sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium trimetaphosphate in aquatic products for export-lon chromatography.1范围SN/T 4590规定了水...
SN/T 4605-2016.Rules for supervision and inspection of imported feedstuff additives L-Lysine monohydrochloride and DL-Methionine.1范围SN/T 4605规定了进口饲料添加剂L-赖氨...
SN/T 4575-2016.Determination of multiple prohibited and restricted colorants in cosmetics for export-HPLC method and LC-MS/MS method.1范围SN/T 4575规定了化妆品中颜料橙5、...
SN/T 4570-2016.Determination of chlorine and bromine content in petroleum and related products-W avelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.1范围SN/T 4570规定了液体石...