CB R 30003-90.1主题内容 与适用范围CB R 30003规定了民用钢质海船为了保持船级和营运安全,经修理后须交验的项目及验收责任方。CB R 30003适用于...
CB/T 3930-1999 Specification of multiplex receiving coupler for ship.1主题内容与适用范围CB/T 3930规定了船用收们多路耦合器(以下简称料合器)的有关术语、...
CB/T 3927-19991范围CB/T 3927适用于船用灰铸铁、球墨铸铁、铸铜和铸钢阀件的设计、制造和验收,不适用于和主机、锅炉连接的阀件。CB/T 3927规定...
CB/T 3919-1999 Marine frame of reversing water bottle.1主题内容与适用范围CB/T 3919规定1船用颅倒采水器架的形式和|要尺寸。CB/T 3919所规定的顿倒采水器...
CB/T 3918-1999 Marine water screen nozzle.1主题内容与适用范围CB/T 3918规定了船用水幕喷头的规格、店本参数、结构尺寸、技术要求及标志包装等。船...
CB/T 3912-1999 General rules of mooring and sea trial for oceanographic research vessel.1主题内容与适用范围CB/T 3912规定了海洋调查船系泊及海上试验中补充试验...
CB/T 3911-1999 General disposition and design rules of mooring equipment for sea-going ship.1主题内容与适用范围CB/T 3911规定了海洋船舶的系泊设备属共选型CB/T...
CB/T 3905.16-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 16: Distillation-arsenic-molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of arsenic content.1范...
CB/T 3905.15-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 15: Thiourea photometric method for the determination of bismuth content.1范围CB/T 3905.15规定了锡基...
CB/T 3905.14-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 14: Chromazurol S photometric method for the determination of aluminium content.1范围CB/T 3905.14规定...