CB/T 3905.13-2005 Method for chemical analysis of tin-base bearing alloy-Part 13: Atomic absorption spectrographic method for the determination of zinc content.1范围CB/T 3905.13规...
CB/T 3904-1999 Specification of cast iron on centrifugal casting cylinder liners for medium and high power diesel engines.1主题内容与适用范围CB/T 3904规定了中、大功率...
CB/T 3903-1999 Metallographic examination of centrifugal casting cylinder liners for medium and high power diesel engines.1主题内容与适用范围CB/T 3903规定了中、大功率...
CB/T 3900-1999 Cu-Co-Be alloy grid for welding.1主题内容与适用范围CB/T 3900规定了铜-钴-铍(CuCo2Be)合金烨接电极的规格、技术要求、试验方法检验规则及...
CB/T 3897-2011 Marine 16A~125A plugs, socket-outlets and couplers.1范围CB/T 3897规定了船用16 A~125人插头拥区和连接器(以下简称电器伙件)的分类、要求、检验...
CB/T 3883-1999 Factory test method for marine hydraulic jib-crane.1主题内容与适用范围CB/T 3883规定船用液日竹架心重机(以下简称加市机) 1.1试验的般规定...
CB/T 3879-2005 Specification for marine fuel oil blender.1范围CB/T 3879规定了船用混油装置(以下简称混油装置)的要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装...
CB/T 3878-2011 Marine goods elevator.1范围CB/T 3878规定了船用载货电梯(简称电梯)的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存。...
CB/T 3877-2005 General requirements for deck machinery.1范围CB/T 3877规定了各种甲板机械所共有的,并在有关标准中未详述的一些特性。CB/T 3877适用于各种...
CB/T 3863-2005 Performance testing method for marine auxiliary boiler burners.1范圈CB/T 3863规定了对船用辅锅炉燃烧器(以下简称燃烧器)性能进行试验的试验要...