YY/T 1608-2018.Radiation sterilization of medical device- Sampling method for verification dose experiments and sterilization dose audits.一旦启用抽样方案,制造商应该...
YY/T 1598-2018.Tissue engineering medical device products-Bone: Standard guide for bone repairing or regenerative evaluation of implant for spinal fusion.5.2.7椎弓根钉棒结构的...
YY 1027-2018.Dentistry-Hydrocolloid impression materials.印模impression通过施加一种可塑性印模材料,获得的口腔的或颅面的组织面阴模。通常将印模材料放...
YY/T 1600-2018.Product family and processing category for steam sterilization of medical devices.5.1~5.3是对3种不同医疗器械的蒸汽渗透阻力的讨论和评估的示例。...
YY/T 0967.1-2015.Dental rotary instruments- Shanks-Part 1 :Shanks made of metals.1范围YY/T 0967的本部分规定了由金属材料制成的牙科旋转器械的杆的要求,并给出...
YY/T 0958.1-2014/ISO 9714-1: 1991.Orthopaedic drilling instruments- -Part 1: Drill bits, taps and countersink cutters.1范围YY/T 0958的本部分规定了骨科手术用钻头、丝锥...
YY/T 0750-2009/IEC 6 1689 :2007.Ultrasonics- -Physiotherapy systems- -Field specifications and methods of measurement in the frequency range 0. 5 MHz to 5 MHz.1范围YY/T 0750适用于...
YY/T 1602-2018.Dentistry-Root canal preparation unit.YY/T 1602规定了根管预备机的要求、试验方法说明书。YY/T 1602适用于根管预备机(以下简称预备机)。...
YY/T 0606.25-2014.Tissue engineered medical product-Part 25:Quantification of remnant DNA in biological materials utilizing animal tissues and their derivatives: Fluorescence method...
YY/T 0528-2018/ISO 10271:2011.Dentistry- Corrosion test methods for metallic materials.采用标准的金相工艺方法从试样的所有表面去除至少0.1 mm,用测量器具[例如...