JTS 110-5-2008 The Stipulation for the Preparation of Preliminary Design Documents of Waterway Engineering.1总则1.0.1为适应航道建设发 展的需要,指导和规范航道工程...
JTS 110-4-2008 The Stipulation for the Preparation of Preliminary Design Documents of Port Engineering.1总则1.0.1为适应港口建设发展的需要,规范港口工程初步设计文...
JTS 271-2008 Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Port and Waterway Engineering.1总则1.0.1为规范水运 工程计价行为,统- -水运工程工程量清单计价的编制和计...
JTJ/T 345-99 Code for Design of Engineeing for VHF Coast Station.1总则1.0.1为提高甚高频海岸电台的设计水平,确保工程质量,加速实现船岸甚高频通信现代...
JTJ/T 341-96 Code for Design of General Planning and Technology for Coast Stations.1总则1.0.1为了 提高承担国际、国内遇险和安全通信以及水上公众通信业务的...
JTJ/T 321-96 Standard for Measuring of Quantities of Soils and Rocks in Dredging Works.1总则1.0.1为统一疏浚及吹填工程设计时和竣工后土石方计量的方法和技术...
JTJ/T 320-96 Classification of Rocks and Soils to be Dredged.1总则1.0.1为了正确鉴别和科学分析疏浚区域的岩土类别、工程特性及其分布情况,以提高疏浚工...
JTJ/T 289-97 Technical regulations of harbour facilities maintenance.1总则1.0.1港口设施是港口生产.保障运输的主要基础设施,是港口资产的重要组成部分。为...
JTJ/T 274-98 Technical Methods of the Liquid-Slag Concrete in Port Engineering.1总则1.0.1为合理有效地利用液态渣做混凝土的细骨料,保证工程质量,降低工程成...
JTJ/T 271-99 Technical Specifications for Bonding and Repair of Concrete in Port Engineeing.1总则1.0.1为统一港口工程混凝土构件、结构或建筑物的粘接修补技术要...