GA/T 16.113-2015.Codes for road traffic management information-Part 113: Codes for traffie control scope.1范围GA/T 16.113规定了布控范围类型的代码。GA/T 16.113适用于公...
GA/T 16.106-2015.Codes for road traffic management information-Part 106: Codes for check results of drug-driving records of motor vehicle drivers.1范围GA/T 16.106规定了机动车驾...
GA/T 1382-2018.Investigation system for road traffic accident scenes based on multi-axis unmanned aircraft.1范围GA/T 1382规定了基于多旋翼无人驾驶航空器的道路交通...
GA/T 723-2007.Fingerprint pad with inside ink.1范围GA/T 723规定了储壘指、掌纹撩印盒的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存。...
GA/T 16.105-2015.Codes for road traffic management information-Part 105 :Codes for road traffic visibility.1范围GA/T 16.105规定了道路交通能见度的代码。GA/T 16.105适用...
GA/T 16.103-2015.Codes for road traffic management information-Part 103 :Coding rules for numbering of road traffic accident case.1范围GA/T 16.103规定了道路交通事故受案编...
GA/T 1055-2013.Communication protocol for LED variable message signs of road traffic guidance.1范围GA/T 1055规定了LED道路交通诱导可变信息标志与中心控制机的串行...
GA/T 1050-2013.Automobile driving simulator for road safety education.1范围GA/T 1050规定了汽车安全驾驶教育模拟装置的术语和定义、组成.功能要求、技术要...
GA/T 1049.3-2013.Communication protocol for integrated road traffic command platform-Part 3:Traffic video surveillance system.1范围GA/T 1049.3规定了公安交通集成指挥平台...
GA/Z 1405-2017.Directives for development and revision of public security standards.1范围GA/Z 1405规定了公安标准制修订工作的总则和各阶段要求,以及标准修改单...