GA/T 974.87-2015.Codes for the fire infornation-Part 87: Category codles for fire-extinguishing agents.1范围GA/T 974.87规定了灭火剂种类的代码。GA/T 974.87适用于公安...
GA/T 974.80-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 80:Codes for fire equiprment accident levels.1范围GA/T 974.80规定了由装备原因导致事故造成的直接损失的等级代...
GA/T 974.78-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 78:Category codles for flire equipment origin procedures.1范围GA/T 974.78规定了装备来源手续类别代码。GA/T 974.78适...
GA/T 974.66-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 66 :Category codes for the pressure-bearing of fire hose.1范围GA/T 974.66规定了消防水带承压类别代码。GA/T 974.66适...
GA/T 974.63-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 63:Category codes for the working altitude of fire vehicles.1范围GA/T 974.63规定了消防车作业高度类别代码。GA/T ...
GA/T 974.59-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 59 :Category codes for places and facilities with major fire hazards.1范围GA/T 974.59规定了消防重大危险源场所与设施...
GA/T 974.55-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 55:Category codes for fire facilities.1范围GA/T 974.55规定了消防设施的类别代码.GA/T 974.55适用于公安信息化建...
GA/T 974.54-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 54 :Classification and codes for the fire facilities condition.1范围GA/T 974.54规定了消防设施状况分类与代码。GA...
GA/T 974.53-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 53 :Classsification and codes for the society publicity campaign.1范围GA/T 974.53规定了社会宣传教育活动分类与代码...
GA/T 974.52-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 52 :Type codes for educational base of fire science popularization.1范围GA/T 974.52规定了消防科普教育基地类型代码...