GA/T 1038.3-2012.Technical specifications for the public fire service platform-Part 3: Information exchange interfaces.1范围GA/T 1038.3规定了消防公共服务平台中信息交换...
GA/T 1038.2-2012.Technical specifications for the public fire service platform-Part 2:Service management interfaces.1范围GA/T 1038.2规定了消防公共服务平台中服务管理平...
GA/T 1038.1-2012.Technical specifications for the public fire service platform-Part 1:Overall architecture and function requirements.1范围GA/T 1038.1规定了消防公共服务平台...
GA/T 1030.2-2012.Acceptance specifications for driving test fields and driving test systems-Part 2 :Test systems.1范围GA/T 1030.2规定了机动车驾驶人考试系统使用验收与...
GA/T 1004-2012.Warning lamps for school bus.1范围GA/T 1004规定了校车标志灯的术语和定义、要求试验方法、检验规则和安装要求等。GA/T 1004适用于取得...
GA/T 999-2012.Test method for verifying field performance of smoke management system-Hot smoke test.1范围GA/T 999规定了在不破坏建筑结构及内部设施、设备的条件下...
GA/T 994-2012.Specifications for road traffic state information release.1范围GA/T 994规定了道路通行状态信息发布的要求。GA/T 994适用于道路通行状态信息发布...
GA/T 974.96-2015.Cdes for the fire info:mation-Part 96: Codes for chemical of oxidation.1范围GA/T 974.96规定了化学品氧化性代码。GA/T 974.96适用于公安信息化建设...
GA/T 974.95-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 95 :Codes for chemical of solubility.1范围GA/T 974.95规定了化学品溶解性代码。GA/T 974.95适用于公安信息化建设...
GA/T 974.88-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 88:Codes for extinguishing types of gas fire-extinguishing system.1范围GA/T 974.88规定了气体灭火系统的灭火形式代码...