DL/Z 634.56-2004.Telecontrol equipment and systems Part5- 6: Test procedures for IEC 60870- 5 protocols series.1范围DL/Z 634.56性技术文件规定设备、变电站自动化系统...
DL/Z 634.15-2005.Telecontrol equipment and systems Part 1一- 5: General considerations-Influence of modem transmission procedures with scramblers on the data integrity of transmiss...
DL/Z 634.14.Telecontrol equipment and systems -Part 1-4: General considerations-Section 4: Basic aspects of telecontrol data transmission and organization of standards IEC 60870-5 a...
DL/Z 634.11-2005.Telecontrol equipment and systems Part 1- 1: General considerations General principles.1范围DL/Z 634.11标准文件适用于远动设备及系统。远动设备及系...
DL/Z 398-2010.The system of electric power professional information standards.1范围DL/Z 398性技术文件给出了电力行业信息化标准体系框架及信息化标准明细表...
DL/Z 249-2012.Guidelines for selecting on-line monitor of gases dissolved in transformer oil.1范围DL/Z 249规定了变压器(含电抗器)油中溶解气体在线监测装置选用的...
DL/T 1533-2016.Drawing method of lightning zones map for power system.1范围.DL/T 1533规定了电力系统雷区分级标准和雷害风险分级原则以及地闪密度分布图和...
DL/T 1534-2016.Methods of UHF partial discharge detection in oil-immersed power transformers.1范围DL/T 1534规定了油浸式电力变压器(电抗器)局部放电的特高频检测...
DL/T 1530-2016.High-voltage insulation optical fiber columns.1范围DL/T 1530规定了标称电压66kV及以上的交流电力系统高压绝缘光纤柱(或称光纤绝缘子、光纤...
DL/T 1529-2016.Inspection code for remote terminal unit equipments of distribution automation.1范围DL/T 1529规定了配电自动化终端设备(包括馈线终端、站所终端、...