DL/T 1517-2016.Technical specification for field testing of secondary voltage drop and secondary burden.1范围DL/T 1517规定了二次回路压降及二次负荷的术语和定义、...
DL/T 1516-2016.General technical conditions of relative dielectric loss and capacitance tester.1范围DL/T 1516规定了容性设备相对介损及电容测试仪的术语和定义、...
DL/T 1514-2016.Life management and evaluation method of filter material for bag filter used in thermal power plants.1范围DL/T 1514规定了火力发电厂袋式除尘器用滤料寿...
DL/T 1532-2016.Technical guide for corrosion diagnosis of grounding grid.1范围DL/T 1532规定了接地网腐蚀诊断的一般原则、 方法、步骤、判定和周期。DL/T 15...
DL/T 1513-2016.Voltage sourced converter (VSC) valves for VSC-HVDC transmission-l Electrical testing.1范围DL/T 1513规定了柔性直流输电用电压源型换流阀(Voltage So...
DL/T 1511-2016.Security protection technical specification for power system mobile operation PDA.1范围DL/T 1511规定了电力系统移动作业PDA终端安全防护遵循的主要技...
DL/T 1506-2016.General technical specification for on-line monitoring system on high voltage AC power cables.1范围DL/T 1506规定了高压交流电缆在线监测系统的功能、结...
DL/T 1505-2016.General specifications for large capacity gas-turbine generator protection equipment.1范围DL/T 1505规定了单机容量在100MW及以上变频启动的燃气轮发电...
DL/T 1504-2016.General specification for arc flash protection equipment.1范围DL/T 1504规定了弧光保护装置的基本技术要求、技术参数、试验方法及检验规则。...
DL/T 1501-2016.Technical specifications of digital test equipment for relay protection.1范围DL/T 1501规定了数字化继电保护试验装置的技术要求、检验规则、包装...