DL/T 1528-2016.Technical specifications of electric energy measuring field hand-held device.1范围DL/T 1528规定了电能计量现场手持设备的机械性能、适应环境、功...
DL/T 1527-2016.Technology specification of electric power utilization information security protection.1范围DL/T 1527规定了电力行业用电信息系统及其相关信息系统的...
DL/T 1526-2016.Specification of system test for VSC-HVDC project.1范围DL/T 1526规定了柔性直流输电工程系统试验的试验项目、试验方法及评价要求。DL/T 15...
DL/T 1525-2016.Guide for detection of interturn short-circuit fault in cylindrical rotor of synchronous machines.1范围DL/T 1525规定了交接、检修及运行中,隐极同步发...
DL/T 1524-2016.Guide for infrared detection and evaluation of generators.1范围DL/T 1524规定了交接、检修及运行中,对发电机进行红外检测的要求、方法及缺陷...
DL/T 1523-2016.Guide on leading power factor operation test of synchronous generator.1范围DL/T 1523规定了并网运行的同步发电机进相试验原则、试验条件、试验内...
DL/T 1522-2016.Guide for ultrasonic waterflow measuring method and evaluation of internal water cooling system for generator stator windings.1范围DL/T 1522规定了交接、检修时...
DL/T 1521-2016.Microfog precipitator for thermal power plants.1范围DL/T 1521规定了火力发电厂微米级干雾除尘(简称干雾除尘)装置的设计制造、安装、验收、...
DL/T 1520-2016.Specifications for fine particles (PM2,) monitoring in the thermal power plants- -gravimetric method.1范围DL/T 1520规定了火电厂烟气中细颗粒物(PM2.5) 质...
DL/T 1519-2016.Grounding technical guide for overhead ground wires of AC transmission line.1范围DL/T 1519规定了交流输电线路架空地线的接地方式、绝缘技术要求、...