DL/T 890.452-2018.Energy management system application program interface ( EMS-API)一Part 452: CIM model exchange specification (IEC 61970-452: 2015,IDT ).1范围本部分是DL/T 8...
DL/T 860.4-2018.Communication networks and systems for power utility automation一Part 4: System and project management(IEC 61850-4:2011, IDT).1范围DL/T 860.4适用于电力白动化...
DL/T 846.5-2018.General technical specifications of high voltage test equipment-Part 5: Analyzer for humidity in SF6 gas.1范围DL/T 846.5规定了六氟化硫气体湿度仪的技术...
DL/T 815-2002.Metal oxide surge arrestwers for a.c.power transmission lines.1范围DL/T 815规定了交流输电线路用复合外套金属氧化物避雷器的使用条件、技术要...
DL/T 807-2019.Technical guidelines of scrapping 201×7 strong base anion exchange resins for water treatment in thermal power plant.1范围DL/T 807规定了火力发电厂水处理单...
DL/T 691-2019.Calculation method of radio interference from high voltage overhead power transmission lines.1范围DL/T 691规定了高压架空输电线路无线电干扰的计算方法...
DL/T 627-2018.Room temperature vulcanized sllicon rubber anti-pollution coating for insulators.1范围DL/T 627规定了绝缘子用常温固化硅橡胶防污闪涂料的基本技术...
DL/T 521-2018.Guide for acceptance, usage and maintenance of vacuum oil purifier.1范围DL/T 521给出了真空净油机的选用条件、验收标准及使用维护注意事项。D...
DL/T 506-2018.Method of humidity measurement of sulfur hexafluoride insulated gas in electrical equipment.1范围DL/T 506规定了六氟化硫电气设备中绝缘气体湿度的测量...
DL/T 489-2018.Test code for static rectified excitation systems for large and medium hydro generators.1范围DL/T 489规定了大中型水轮发电机静止整流励磁系统试验分...