GB 5935-1986.Porosity testing method of the metal deposits for the light industria] products.1.3 操作涉骤1.3.1 检验前,镀层表面受检部位可用有机榕剂除油,若在镀...
GB 5934-1986.H ardness testing method of the met al deposits for the light industrial products Microscopic hardness tester method.本方法采用显微硬度计测定金属镀层的硬...
GB 5930-1986.Thickness testing method of the metal deposits for the light industrial products S pot test.本方法适用于金属上:镍、铜、锌、锅、银、销、锡、锡铅合...
GB 5808-1986.Test regulatloas n arking and packaging of fles.GB 5808适用于钳工锉、锯锉、整形锉、异形锉、钟表整形锉、特殊钟表锉、木锉的检验及标志与...