GB/T 5173-1995.Surface active agents and detergents-Determination of anionic active matter by direct two-phase titration procedure.GB/T 5173等效采用国际标准ISO2271:1989(表面...
GB 4033-1983.Mechanical watches for general use.3.8外观质量3.8.1检查表机零件 是否生锈时,用3倍放大镜观察,若有疑问则用16倍双管显微镜验证。3.8....
GB 3534-1990.Standard testing methods for ]ead or cadmium release from domestic ceramics.GB 3534等效采用国际标准ISO6486/1-1981《与食物接触陶瓷制品铅、镉溶出量测...
GB 3297-1982.S tandard test method for Vic kers hardness of glazed domestic ceramic ware .本方法适用于日用陶器、炻器、瓷器的釉面维氏硬度测定。陶器、炻器...
GB/T 3295-1996.Staodard test method for 45° specular gloss of ceramic ware.1范围GB/T 3295规定了带釉陶瓷试样以及有类似反射特征的其他试样镜向光泽度的测定...
GB/T 3294一1998.Method of inspection for last sizes.1范围GB/T 3294规定了各种鞋楦外形尺寸的检测方法。GB/T 3294不适用于鞋楦内在质量的检测。2引用标准...
GB 3293-1982.Chinese shoe sizing and last systems.10.2鞋楦底盘宽度 (包括姆趾里宽、小趾外宽、第一蹠趾里宽、第五蹠趾外宽和踵心全宽等)也为标准尺...
GB 5945-1986.Testing method of the oxidation treatment coatings of the aluminum and aluminum aloys for the light industrial products. 将试样连接在a、b之间。 一...
GB 5944-1986.E valuation of the corrosion test results of the metal deposits for the light industrial products.GB 5944规定了电镀层试样经腐蚀试验后腐蚀结果的评定方...
GB 5940-1986.Corrosion - resistant testing method of the metal deposits and conversion coatings for the light industrial products Copper accelerated salt spraying test (CASS ).本方法...