GB 5929-1986.Thickness testing method of the metal deposits and conversion coatings for the light Industrial products Metallographic mlcroscoplc method.GB 5929是用适当倍率的金...
GB 5928-1986.Thickness testing method of the metal deposits and aluminum oxide films for the light industrial products Weighing method.GB 5928适用于产品形状简单、镀覆层密...
GB 5927-1986.Thlckness testlug method of the metal deposits for the lIght industrial products Timekeeplng of lIqold flow m ethod.4操作步骤4.1 试样准备:将试样用有机溶剂...
GB 5926-1986.Surface eramination method of the metal deposits and converslon coatings for the light Industrial products.GB 5926适用于检验金属镀层和化学处理层的外观质...
GB 5178-1985.Determination of mean relative molecular mass for technical straight - chain sodi um alkyl benzenesul phonates - -Gas - liquid chromatographic method.盖好试管塞摇动...
GB/T 5177. 5-1993.Industrial alkylbenzene.5.4.2取样 方法a.对罐装产品,用具有 易开启盖且底部加重的洁净金属取样器,沉入液面下约三分之二深处取样。...
GB 5177.4-1985.Determination of bromine index for industri al alkylbenzene - Electrometric titration me thod.4试剂(均为分析纯),4.1滴定溶液,由下列试剂按体积依次...
GB 5177.3-1985.Determination of mean relative molecular mass for industrial alkylbenzene - Gas- liquid chromatographic method.GB 5177.3适用于测定工业直链烷基苯的平均相...
GB 5177.2-1985.Determination of sul phonatable matter content for industrial alkylbenzene.5试验程序5.1精确称取烷基苯样品10g(准确至1 mg)于三口烧瓶(3.2) 中(小心地...
GB 5174-1985.S urface active agents 一Detergents 一Deter mination of cationic - active matter- Direct tw0-phase titration procedure.GB 5174等同采用国际标准ISO 2871-1973 《表...