GB 4394-1984.Inspection, markdg and packaging for open- end wrenches, ring wrenches and combi nation wrenches.GB 4394是根据GB 2828- -81《逐批检查计数抽样程序及抽样表...
GB 4393-1984.Open-end w renches, box wrenches and combination wrenches-technical specifications.3.2扭矩3.2.1扳手应能承受表2规定的扭矩。3.2.2梅花扳手采用表2中的...
GB 4390-1984.Spanner gaps and sockets- m etric series- tolerances for general use.GB 4390等同于国际标准ISO 691-1975 《公制扳手开口和扳手孔的常用公差》。由于...
GB 4389-1984.A ssembly tools for screws and nuts-open-end double-head engineers wrenches, double-head box wrenches and combination w renches-maximum outside dimensions of heads.GB 4...
GB 3390.5-1989.Inspection, packaging and marking for hand operated socket w re nches.1主题内容与适用范围GB 3390.5规定了手动套筒扳手套筒与附件的检验规则、包...
GB 3390.4-1989.Conjoining parts for hand operated square drive socket wrenc hes.4技术要求4.1 硬度连接附件的方榫和方孔的硬度值不低于HR C 39。4.2 扭矩在各连...
GB 3390.3-1989.Drivings parts for hand opernted square drive socket w renches.GB 3390.3参照采用ISO 3315《螺钉和螺母装配工具一手用套筒扳手传动件扭力试验》。...
GB 3390.2-1989.Driving square for hand operated socket wrenches.1主题内容与适用范围GB 3390.2规定了手动套筒扳手传动方榫和方孔的基本尺寸、技术要求和试...