SN/T 3394-2012.Code of detecting machupo virus by real-time fluorescence RT-PCR.1范围SN/T 3394规定了国境口岸人出境人员或鼠类携带马秋波病毒的实时荧光RT-P...
SN/T 2991.4-2016.The criterion of data element in inspection and quarantine information-Part 4:Disease surveillance.1范围SN/T 2991.4规定了检验检疫业务范围内疾病监测项...
SN/T 2389.16-2016.Rules for measurement survey on import and export commodities-Part 16: General regulation for static measurement in vertical cylindrical metal shore tanks.1范围S...
SN/T 2389.13-2013.Rules for measurement survey on import and export commodities-Part 13 :Static measurement of petroleum and liquid petroleum products by ship's tank.1范围SN/T 238...
SN/T 2389.10-2012.Rules for measurement survey on import and export commodities-Part 10: Static measurement of liquid chemicals by ship's tank.1范围SN/T 2389.10规定了进出口液...
SN/T 2374-2009.Protocol of inspection for biopesticides of Metarhizium and Beauveria.1范围SN/T 2374规定了进出口绿僵菌(Metarhizium)和白僵菌(Beauveria)生物农药的抽样...
SN/T 2373-2009.Quarantine identification of Ambrosia L.1范围SN/T 2373规定了植物检疫中豚草属Ambrosia L.的检疫鉴定方法。SN/T 2373适用于植物原粮和植物种子...
SN/T 2367-2009.Procedures for the detection of seed-transmitted pathogens in importing and exporting seeds.1范围SN/T 2367规定了植物种子传播的病原真菌、细菌、病毒...
SN/T 1915.3-2016.Standard of filling in certificates and forms of health quarantine-Part 3 : Surveillance of communicable diseases.1范围SN/T 1915.3规定了检验检疫机关在出入...
SN/T 1915.2-2016.Standard of filling in certificates and forms of health quarantine-Part 2 :Sanitary supervision.1范围SN/T 1915.2规定了检验检疫机构在国境口岸及出人境...