SN/T 1012-2001.Rules for the inspection of polyester stitch upright fabric for export.1范围SN/T 1012规定了出口涤纶针织经编立绒的抽样、检验和结果判定。SN/T...
SN/T 1008-2001.Rules for the inspection of daily-used and sports leather gloves for export.1范围SN/T 1008规定了出口日用、运动皮手套的抽样、检验及检验结果的判...
SN/T 0987.8-2013.Rules for performance inspection of IBCs for export dangerous goods-Part 8 :Metal IBCs.1范围SN/T 0987.8规定了出口危险货物金属中型散装容器的定义、...
SN/T 0970-2000.Rules for the inspection of corkwood for import and export.1范围SN/T 0970规定了软木的重量鉴定、取样与制样、品质、规格检验和水分测定及其...
SN/T 0969-2011.Rules for the inspection of coloured pen for import and export.1范围SN/T 0969规定了进出口彩色水笔的术语和定义、检验要求、抽样、检验及结果...
SN/T 4893-2017.Determination of lead , cadmium,arsenic,mercury in animals for import and export- ICP-MS method.1范围SN/T 4893规定了进出口畜类和禽类血液中铅镉、砷...
SN/T 4892-2017.Determination of residues and stable carbon isotope ratio of estradiol,testosterone and progesterone in foodstuff of animal origin for export.1范围SN/T 4892第一法...
SN/T 4890-2017.Determination of curcuminoids in foodstuffs for export-HPLC method and HPLC-MS/MS method.1范围SN/T 4890规定了出口食品中姜黄素的高效液相色谱法和液...
SN/T 4883-2017.Construction requirements of the isolation facility for imported and exported pet dog and cat.1范围SN/T 4883规定了进出境宠物犬、猫检疫隔离场建设的要...
SN/T 4881-2017.Quarantine protocol for chicken coccidiosis.1范围SN/T 4881规定了鸡球虫病的粪便检查、组织检查、聚合酶链式反应(PCR)的操作规程。SN/T 488...