SN/T 2554-2010.Determination of free formaldehyde in adhesives used in building for import and export.1范围SN/T 2554的方法规定了进出口建筑用胶中游离甲醛的高效液...
SN/T 2401-2009.Determination of acrylamide in toys.1范围SN/T 2401规定了聚合物玩具材料中丙烯酰胺迁移量的液相色谱测定方法。SN/T 2401适用于聚合物玩具...
SN/T 2400-2009.Credit evaluation criteria in quality for import and export enterprises.1范围SN/T 2400规定了对进出口企业进行质量信用评价的方法和标准。SN/T 2...
SN/T 2394-2009.Determination of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS)in extinguisher for import and export-LC MS/MS.1范围SN/T 2394规定了进出口灭火剂产品中全氟辛烷磺酸...
SN/T 2382-2009.Determination of water in liquid petroleum gas--Karl Fischer method.1范围SN/T 2382规定了卡尔●费休法(库仑法)直接测定液化石油气中微量水分的标...
SN/T 2361.1-2009.Safe code of packagings for import and export dangerous goods-Part 1:Limited quantities.1适用范围SN/T 2361.1规定了危险货物的有限数量包装及其容器...
SN/T 2003. 7-2011.Screening method of lead , mercury,cadmium , chromium and bromine in electrical and electronic equipments-Part 7:Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy.1范围SN/T...
SN/T 2003.5-2006.Determination of lead , mercury , chromium , cadmium and bromine in electrical and electronic equipment-Part 5:Quantitative screening by energy dispersive X-ray flu...
SN/T 1837-2006.Import and export textiles-Determination of the residues of endosulfan and profenofos-GC-MS method.1范围SN/T 1837规定了气相色谱法测定纺织品中α-硫丹、...
SN/T 1835-2006.Codes of emergent management for food poisoning at entry-exit port.1范圄SN/T 1835规定了出人境口岸食物中毒的应急处理程序。SN/T 1835适用于检验检...