SN/T 1621.3-2013.Rules for the inspection of power generating equipments for export-Part 3 :Micro hydro generator equipments( 12 kW and below).1范围SN/T 1621.3规定了出口微型...
SN/T 1612-2013.Detection and identification of Carnation ringspot virus.1范围SN/T 1612主要规定了进境种苗中香石竹环斑病毒的DAS ELISA、免疫电镜、免疫捕获...
SN/T 1558-2017.Quarantine protocol for avain encephalomyelitis.1范围SN/T 1558规定了禽脑脊髓炎的病毒分离与鉴定、反转录-聚合酶链式反应、间接免疫荧光试...
SN 1549-2011.Technical code for control and supervision on extraneous impurity in coal for import and export.1范围SN 1549规定了进出口煤炭外来杂物的检验检疫监管要...
SN/T 1528-2012.Disinfection code for drinking water of entry-exit ships.1范围SN/T 1528规定了人出境船舶饮用水消毒处理的要求、程序、方法、结果判定及处置...
SN/T 1480-2015.Codes of quarantine inspection for entry-exit aircrafts.1范围SN/T 1480规定了人出境航空器卫生检疫查验的要求.对象、内容.方法、程序、结果判...
SN/T 1429.12-2012.Rules for the inspection of information technology equipment for importand export- Part 12 : Facsimile equipment.1范围SN/T 1429.12规定了对进出口传真机的...
SN/T 1429.1-2012.Rules for the inspection of information technology equipment for import and export-Part 1 :General requirements.1范围SN/T 1429.1规定了进出口信息技术设备...
SN/T 1422-2004.Control standards for medical vector organisms in entry-exit airplane.1范围SN/T 1422规定了人出境航空器实施医学媒介生物控制的对象、要求、指标...
SN/T 1333-2012.Codes of disinfection for the entry-exit automobiles and other vehicles.1范围SN/T 1333规定了人出境汽车及其他车辆消毒的基本要求、对象、程序、...