SN/T 4282-2015.Codes for surveillance of nipah virus disease at frontier ports.1范围SN/T 4282规定了国境口岸尼帕病毒病的监测对象、内容与方法、诊断及处置。...
SN/T 4281-2015.Detection of yellow fever virus on ports superparamagnetic immunochromatography.1范围SN/T 4281规定了超顺磁免疫层析检测方法用于国境口岸快速筛查...
SN/T 4279-2015.Administration requirement for DNA barcoding identification laboratory of medical insect at frontier ports.1范围SN/T 4279规定了国境口岸医学媒介昆虫DNA条...
SN/T 4278-2015.Protocol for DNA barcoding identification techniques of medical insect at frontier ports.1范围SN/T 4278规定了医学媒介昆虫DNA条形码鉴定中的标本处理...
SN/T 4277-2015.Morphological identification of Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 at the frontier port.1范围SN/T 4277规定了红头丽蝇的成虫形态鉴定和结果判断...
SN/T 4276-2015.Detection of Yersinia pestis in rodents by real-time PCR method at frontier port.1范围SN/T 4276规定了国境口岸鼠疫耶尔森菌荧光PCR检测方法的检测对...
SN/T 4025-2014.Determination of total rare earth content in rare earth ferrosilicon alloy and rare earth ferrosilicon magnesium alloy-Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry me...
SN/T 4275-2015.Detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei by real-time PCR at frontier ports.1范围SN/T 4275规定了国境口岸类鼻疽伯克霍尔德菌荧光PCR检测的对象,标本...
SN/T 4274-2015.Detection of Salmonella ,Shigella and Escherichia coli 0157:H7 by triplex real-time PCR at frontier ports.1范围SN/T 4274规定了国境口岸沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌...
SN/T 4272-2015.Specification of establishing long-term effective management system of international sanitary airport.1范围SN/T 4272规定了建设国际卫生机场长效管理体系...