YY/T 0890-2013.Electronic portal imaging device using in radiotherapy-Functional performance characteristics and test methods.4.3.8成像装置空间分辨率对一组给定的成像条...
YY/T 0887-2013.Radioactive seeds implantation treatment planning system-Requirements for dose calculations and test methods.1范圈YY/T 0887规定了放射性粒籽植入治疗计划系...
YY/T 0915-2015/ISO 27020:2010.Dentistry-Brackets and tubes for use in orthodontics.YY/T 0915适用于正畸固定矫治器中的托槽和颊面管。本标准规定了比较正畸用托...
YY/T 0906-2013.Performance testing methods for B-mode ultrasonic diagnostic equipment with intra-cavity probe.推荐性的试验设置见资料性附录B.YY/T 0906允许制造商自行...
YY/T 0925-2014.Perineum scissors.5.1外观目视检查并用手拭摸,应符合4.1的要求。5.2使用性能5.2.1开闭会阴剪并 目视检查,应符合4.的要求。5.2...
YY/T 0880-2013.Breast localization wire and introducer needle for single use1范圈YY/T 0880规定了-次性使用乳腺定位丝及其导引针的要求。可自动操作的乳腺定...
YY/T 0918-2014.Test method for determining bacterial retention of membrane/filter assembly utilized for infusion liquid filtration.1范围YY/T 0918规定的试验方法适用于对标...
YY/T 0924.2-2014/ISO 7207-2:2011.Implants for surgery- -Components for partial and total knee joint prostheses- Part 2: Articulating surfaces made of metal, ceramic and plastics mat...
YY/T 0920-2014/ISO 21535 :2007.Non-active surgical implants- Joint replacement implants- -Specific requirements for hip-joint replacement implants.YY/T 0920规定了髋关节置换植...
YY/T 0894-2013.Medical electrical equipment-Dosimetric instruments as used in brachtherapy- -Instruments based on well-type ionization chambers.YY/T 0894规定了井型电离室及配...