JT/T 1193-2018 自动识别系统(AIS)航标应用导则
JT/T 1193-2018 Application guide of automatic identifcation system aids to mavigation.
JT/T 1193规定了自动识别系统( AIS)航标的分类、电文、参数配置、甚高频数据链路( VDL)接入方式、显示符号,以及布设AIS航标的考虑因素。
JT/T 1193适用于AIS航标的设计、研制、布设和管理,航海人员和相关组织机构使用AIS航标助航服务时可参考使用。
navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems-Digital interfaces-Part 1 : Single talker and multiple listeners)
IEC 62320-2:2008海上导航和无线电通信设备及系统自 动识别系统(AIS)第2 部分:AIS航标操作与性能要求、测试方法与要求的测试结果( Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems-Automatie identifcation system ( AIS) -Part 2: AIS AtoN Stations-Operational and performance re-quirements , methods of testing and required test results)
ITU-R M.585-6水上移动业务标识的指配和使用( Assignment and use of identities in the maritime mobile service)
ITU-RM.1084-5在水上移动业务中提高156-174MHz频带使用效率的临时解决方法(Interimsolu-tions for improved ffciency in the use of the band 156-174MHz by stations in the maritime mobile service)
ITU-RM.1371-5:2014基于时分多址接入的VHF海事移动频段船舶自动识别系统通用技术规范(Technical characteristics for an automatic identification system using time divisionmuliple access in the VHF maritimemobile frequency band )