ASME B31.4-2006 Pipeline Transportation Systems for LiquidHydrocarbons and Other Liquids
ASME B31.4-2006 Pipeline Transportation Systems for LiquidHydrocarbons and Other Liquids
(a)This Liquid Transportation Systems Code is oneof several sections of the ASME Code for Pressure Pip-ing, B31.This Section is published as a separate docu-
ment for convenience. This Code applies tohydrocarbons, liquid petroleum gas, anhydrous ammo-
nia, alcohols, and carbon dioxide.Throughout this Codethese systems will be referred to as Liquid PipelineSystems.
(b)The requirements of this Code are adequate forsafety under conditions normally encountered in the
operation of liquid pipeline systems. Requirements rorall abnormal or unusual conditions are not spend con-provided for, nor are all details of engineering and con-
struction prescribed. All work performed within theScope of this Code shall comply with the safety stan-dards expressed or implied.
(c)The primary purpose of this Code is to establishrequirements for safe design, construction, inspection,testing, operation, and maintenance of liquid pipelinesystems for protection of the general public andoperating company personnel as well as for reasonableprotection of the piping system against vandalism andaccidental damage by others and reasonable protectionof the environment.
(d)This Code is concerned with employee safety tothe extent that it is affected by basic design,qualityof materials and workmanship,and requirements forconstruction, inspection, testing, operation, and mainte-nance of liquid pipeline systems. Existing industrialsafety regulations pertaining to work areas, safe workpractices, and safety devices are not intended to be sup-planted by this Code.