lSO 5807-1985(E) Information processing - Documentation symbols andconventions for data, program and system flowcharts,program network charts and system resources charts
lSO 5807-1985(E) Information processing - Documentation symbols andconventions for data, program and system flowcharts,program network charts and system resources charts
This International Standard consolidates the information givenin lSO 1028 and lSO 2636,and in so doing, supersedes them.
Charts are widely used to depict various types of informationprocessing problems and their means of solution. This Inter-national Standard does not restrict their use to the particularapplications exemplified herein.
ln-house rules may have to be devised to suit tho procoss ordata specification being considered. However,there areguiding principles which,if followed,will enhance readabilityand expedite cross-reference to the text.
Charts consist of symbols having a given signification, brief ex-planatory text,and connecting lines.This International Stan-dard does not deal with the wording of the text. Nevertheless,each symbol relates to an unambiguous and meaningful name(unabbreviated if possible) which is consistentthrough-out the documentation.
Charts may be used at various levels of detail; the number oflevels depending on the size and complexity of the informationprocessing problem.The level of detail should be such that thevarious parts and the interrelationship between the parts arecomprehensible as a whole.
Typically there will be a chart of the whole system showing themain constituont parts and this will form the top of a hierarchyof charts; each lower level providing a more detailed descrip-tion of one or more parts shown on the next higher level chart.
1Scope and field of application
This International Standard specifies symbols to be used in in-formation processing documentation and gives guidance onthe conventions for their use in
a)data flowcharts;
b)program flowcharts;c)system flowcharts;
dprogram network charts;