ASME B31.4-2012 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquidsand Slurries

2022年04月02日 ASME B31.4
ASME B31.4-2012 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquidsand Slurries 400 GENERAL STATEMENTS (a)This pipeline transportation systems Code is oneof several sections of The American Society of Mechani-cal Engineers Code for Pressure Piping,ASME B31, andit is the responsibility of the user of this Code to select the applicable Section. This Section is published as aseparate document for convenience.This Code applies to hydrocarbons,liquid petroleum gas, anhydrousammonia, alcohols, and carbon dioxide.Throughout thisCode, these systems will be referred to as liquid pipelinesystems. (b)The requirements of this Code are adequate forsafety under conditions normally encountered in theoperation of liquid pipeline systems. Requirements forall abnormal or unusual conditions are not specificallyprovided for, nor are all details of engineering and con-struction prescribed. All work performed within theScope of this Code shall comply with the safety stan-dards expressed or implied. (c) The primary purpose of this Code is to establishrequirements for safe design, construction, inspection,testing, operation, and maintenance of liquid pipelinesystems for protection of the general public and operating company personnel, as well as for reasonableprotection of the piping system against vandalism and accidental damage by others, and reasonable protectionof the environment.





