IEC 79-16:1990 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS FOR EXPLOSIVE GAS ATMOSPHERES Part 16: Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyzer(s) houses
IEC 79-16:1990 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS FOR EXPLOSIVE GAS ATMOSPHERES Part 16: Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyzer(s) houses
1. Scope
1.1 Thisreportprovidesthe general principles ofprotection,by
artificial ventilation,ofanalyzer(s) houses againstthe explosionhazards caused by internal release of flammable substances and,ifapplicable,against the hazards caused by an external explosive 'gasatmosphere. it also gives the conditions in which electrical apparatusliable' to cause ignition may be used in these analyzer(s) 'houses.These analyzer(s) houses may be situated in a hazardous area or in anon-hazardous area.
1.2 This report contains recommendations for the construction and oper-
ation of analyzer(s) houses,for their associated installations,such asair ducts,and for the auxiliary devices necessary for providing andmaintaining the conditions forventilation and,when required,pressure.
This report also specifies the verification and testing necessary toprove that the installation conforms to the above recommendations,andthe markings to be placed on such rooms or buildings.
Notes 1.- In certain circumstances,the recommendations may be used
for other buildings containing similar sources of release.
2.- This report does not deal with dangers associated with the
toxicity of gases and vapours which may be dealt with bysimilar techniques. It does not deal with requirements not