IEC TS 60204-34:2016 SAFETY OF MACHINERY -ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OF MACHINES -Part 34 : Requirements for machine tools
IEC TS 60204-34:2016 SAFETY OF MACHINERY -ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OF MACHINES -Part 34 : Requirements for machine tools
1 scope
This clause of lEC 60204-1 is applicable except as follows:Replacement:
This part of lEC 60204 applies to electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipmentand systems of machine tools not portable by hand while working, including a group of machinesworking together in a co-ordinated manner.
ln this part of lEC 60204,machine tools means all machines for the working of metal, wood,plastics and stone,operating by forming or removal of material.The following list includesexamples of machine tools but not limited to:
- Turning machines (i.e. manually controlled turning machines without numerical control,
manually controlled turning machines with limited numerically controlled capability,numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres,single- or multi-spindleautomatic turning machines);
-Milling machines(including boring machines);- Machining centres;
- Planing machines;- Drilling machines;-Grinding machines;
- Laser processing machines;
- Electro Discharge Machines(EDM)(except their power circuit for discharge);- Sawing machines for cold metal;