ASTM E340-15 Standard Practice for Macroetching Metals and Alloys
Designation: E340-15 Standard Practice for Macroetching Metals and Alloys1
1. Scope
1.These procedures describe the methods of macroetchingmctals and alloys to reveal their macrostructure.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standlard.ThsIYunits that are provided for informatson anyand are not considered standard.
1.3 This sgcandare does nor purport tgacldrexs . is rhescfery concers.if any.associated wish.its use.Ir is rheresponsibility of rhe user of this sTanxdavd to establish appro-
priare safety and healrh practices and deternmine the applica-biliry of regaalatory lioritarions prior to_use.For specificwarning statements. see 6.2。7.1,8.1.3,8.2.1,8.8.3,8.10.1-1,and 8.13.2.
2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2
E3 Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
E381 Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars,Billets,Blooms,and Forgings
3. Significance and Use
3.l Applicasions of Macroetching:
analyses will provide the necessary denailedi einsormaticn bcalspecific localities but they cannot givedata about uvarar offrom one place to another unless an inordinate number of
specimens are taken.
3.1.2 Macroetching. on the other hand. will provide infor-mation on variations in (l) structure, such as grain size,flowlines, columnar structure, dendrites, and so forth; (2y wariations
E340-15 Standard Practice for Macroetching Metals and Alloys