ASTM E353-19 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Stainless, Heat-Resisting, Maraging,and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-lron Alloys
Designation: E353-19 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Stainless, Heat-Resisting, Maraging,and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-lron Alloys1
1. Scope
1.1 These test methods cover the chemical analysis ofstainless,heat-resisting.maraging.andother similarchromium-nickel-iron alloys having chemical compositionswithin the following limits:
8. Interlaboratory Studies and Rounding Calculated
8.1These test methodls have been evaluated as directed inPractice El73 ( withdrawn 1997) or IsO 5725.Practice E173
has been replaced by Practice E1601.The reproducibility,R2,
of Practice E173 corresponds to the reproducibility index R ofPractice E1601.The repcatability, R i , of Practice E173 corrc-
sponds to the repeatability index. r. of Practice El601.
8.2 Rounding of test results obtained using this test methodshall be performed as directed in ASTM E29,Rounding
Method, unless an alternative rounding method is specified by
the customer or applicablc material spccification.
9.1This method covers the dctermination of mangancsefrom 0.0l % to 5.00%,
10. Summary of Method
10.1 Manganous ions are oxidized to permanganate ions bytreatmcnt with pcriodate.Tungsten whcn present at composi-tions greater than 0.5 % is kept in solution with H,PO.4.Solutions of the samples are fumed with HCIO, so that the
effect of periodate is limited to the oxidation of manganese.Spectrophotometric absorbance measurement is made at 545nm.
11.Concentration Range
11.1 The recommended concentration range is 0.15 mg too.8 mg of manganese per 50 mL of solution. using a 1-cm cell
(see Note 1) and a spectrophotometcr with a band width of 10nm or less.
NoTE 1—This method has boen writtcn for cells having a l-cm lightpath and a ""narrow-band""instrument. The concentration range dependsupon band with and spectral region used as well as cell oprical pathlength.Cells having other dimcnsions may be used,provided suitableacljustmenis can be made in the amounts of samaple and reagens used.
E353-19 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Stainless, Heat-Resisting, Maraging,and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-lron AlloysE353-19 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Stainless, Heat-Resisting, Maraging,and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-lron Alloys