ASTM D6700-19 Standard Guide for Use of Scrap Tires as Tire-Derived Fuel

2022年03月29日 D6700
Designation: D6700-19 Standard Guide for Use of Scrap Tires as Tire-Derived Fuel' 1. Scope 1.1 This guide covers and prowides guidance for the matc-rial recowery of scrap tires for their fuel value.The convcrsionof a whole scrap tire into a chipped formed for use as a fuelproduces a product called tire-derived fuel(TDF).This recov-ery guide has moved from a pioneering concept in the early1980s to a proven and continuous use in the United Stales withinclustrial and utility applications. 1.2 Combustion units engincered to use solid fuels, such ascoal or wood, or both , are fairly numerous throughout the U.s.Many of these units are now using TDF even though they werenot specifically designed to burn TDF.It is clear that TDF hasconbustion charactcristics similar to other carbon-based solidfuels. Similarities led to pragmatic testing in cxisting combus-tion units.Suocessful testing led to subsequent acceptance ofTDFas a supplemental fuel when blended with conventionalfuels in existing combustion devices. Changes required tomodify appropriatc existing combustion units to accommodateTDF range from none to relatively minor.The issucs of properapplications and specifications are critical to successful utili-ation of this altenative energy resource. 1.3 This guidle explainsTDFTs use when blended andcombusted under normal opcrating conditions with originallyspecificd fucls. Wholc-tirc combustion for energy recovery isnot discussed herein. since whole-tire _usage does not requiretire processing to a defined fuel specification. 1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedlas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to Sl units that are provided for informnation onlyand are not considered standard. 1.5 This standard does or parpori go address all ef thesefety cownceres.if ary. associcared wih is uese. I is heresporasibiliry of rhe user of rhis siaradard vo estaDliskxappro-priare sofery. healti, and erewirornewaaas practices and deter-irine the appliccbiliry of vegarlasory lioitations prior to wse D6700-19 Standard Guide for Use of Scrap Tires as Tire-Derived Fuel D6700-19 Standard Guide for Use of Scrap Tires as Tire-Derived Fuel





