A370-19 Standard Test Methods and Definitions forMechanical Testing of Steel Products

2022年03月27日 GB/T 13915GB 12358
Designation: A370-19 Standard Test Methods and Definitions forMechanical Testing of Steel Products1 1. Scope 1.l These test methods2 cover procedures and definitionsfor the mechanical testing of steels,stainless steels, and relatedalloys.The various mechanical tests herein described are usedto determine properties required in the product specifications.Variations in testing methods are to be avoided, and standardmethods of testing are to be followed to obtain reprocluciblcand comparable results. In those cases in which the testingrequirements for certain products are unique or at variance withthcse gcncral proccdures.the productspocification testingrequirements shall control. 1.2 The following mechanical tests are described: Tension Sections Band 6 to 14 15 Hardness Brinell 16 Rockwell 17 Portable 1819 lKaywords llmpact 20 to 30 32 1.3 Annexes covering details peculiar to certain productsare appended to these test methods as follows: Bar Products Annex Tubular Products Annax A1Annax A2 Fasteners Annex A3 Found Wire Products Sigrnificanoe of Notchod-Bar limpacn Testing Annax A4 Converting Percentage Elongation of Round Specimens so nnax A5 Equlivalicnts for Fiat Specimens Annax A6 Testing MuTi-Vire Strand nnax A7 Pounding of Test Data Methods tor Testing steel Feinfoecing Bars Annax AB Procedure for Uze and Control of Hean-Cycle Simulation Annax A9Annex A10 1.4The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard.





