A370 -191 Standard Test Methods and Definitions forMechanical Testing of Steel Products

2022年03月27日 A370
Designation: A370 -191 Standard Test Methods and Definitions forMechanical Testing of Steel Products1 1. ScopeR alloys.The various mechanical lestst herern uct sipecifications. methods of testing are to be followed to obtain reprodlucibleand comparable results. In those cases in which the testing requirements for certain products are unique or at variance withthese generall procedures.the productspecification testingrequirements shall control. 1.2The following mechanical tests are described: Sections Tension Bend 6 to 14 Haidness 15 Brinell 16 Pockwecll 17 Portable 1信 Keywonds llmpact 20 to 30 19 32 1.3 Annexes covering detaills peculiar to certain productsare appended to these lest methods as follows: Bar Products Annax A1Annex Tubular Products AnnaxA2 Fasteners Annex A3 Found wiee Products Annax A4 Sigrihcanoe of Notched-Bar llempac Testing Converting Percenitage Elongation of Hound Specimens No Annax A5Annax A6 Testing Muhti-vire Strand Equivalents lor Fiat Specimens Founding of Test Data nnax ATAnnex AB





