A416/A416M - 17a Standard Specification for Low-Relaxation, Seven-Wire Steel Strand for PrestressedConcrete

2022年03月27日 A416
Designation: A416/A416M - 17a Standard Specification for Low-Relaxation, Seven-Wire Steel Strand for PrestressedConcrete1 1. Scope 1.l This specification covers two grades of low-relaxation.seven-wire steel strand for use in prestressed concrete con-struction. Grade 250 [1725] and Grade 270 [1860] haveminimum tensile strengths of 250 ksi [ 1725 MPa] and 270 ksi[1860 MPa]. respectively,based on the nominal area of thcstrand. 1.2 A supplementary requirement (S1) is provided for usewhere bond strength testing of 0.600-in.[ 15.24-mm] diameterGrade 270 [1860] strand for applications in prestressed groundanchors is required by thepurchaser.The supplementaryrequirement applies only when specified in the purchase order. 1.3 The text of this specification contains notes or footnotes.or both, that provide explanatory material. Such notes andfootnotes do not contain any mandatory information. 1.4 This specification is applicable for orders in eitherinch-pound units (as Specification A416) or in sl units (asSpecification A416M). 1.5The values stated in either inch-pound units or Sl unitsare to be recgarded separatcly as standard. Within the text,thesl units arc shown in brackets.Thc values stated in cachsystem may not be exact cquivalents; therefore,cach systemshall be used independently of the other. Combining valuesfrom the two systems may result in non-conformance with thespecification. l.6 This insternctional standard was developed ir accor-dance wirh inernctiovally recognized principles ow sfanderd-izationesicblishedc in the Decisiowr on Principles for rheDevelopmenr of Inrernavional Srandards,Geides and Recom-wevxddcriovs issued by the World Trade Orgarizatior TecFunicalBarriers ro Trade(TBTTy Conitsee.





