A421/A421M - 21 Highvmay Standard Specification for Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete
Designation: A421/A421M - 21 Highvmay Standard Specification for Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete1
1. Scope
1.1 This specification covers two types of stress-relievedround high-carbon steel wire used in prestressed concreteconstruction, as follows:
1.1.1 Type BAwire is used for applications in whichcold-cnd deformation is used for anchoring purposes(ButtonAnchorage), and
1.1.2 Type WA wire is uscd for application in which the endsare anchored by wedges, and no cold-end deformation of thewire is involved ( Wedge Anchorage).
1.2 A supplementary requirement (Sl) is provided for usewhere low-relaxation wire and relaxation testing for thatproduct is required by the purchaser.The supplementaryrequirement applies only when specified in the purchase orderor contract.
1.3 This specification is applicable for orders in eitherinch-pounds units (as Specification A421y or in Sl units (asSpecification A421M).
1.4 The values stated in either inch-pound or SI units are tobe regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the Sl unitsare shown in brackets.The values stated in each system maynot be exact equivalents:; therefore, each system shall be usedindependently of the other. Combining values from the twosystems may result in non-conformance with the specification.
1.5 The text of this specification references notes andfootnotes which provide explanatory malerial.These notes andfootnotes (excluding those in tables) shall not be considered asrequirements of the specification.
1.6 This internarional standard was developed inx accor-dance wirh inscrnarionally recognized principles owr staderd-ization established in the Decision on Principies for rheDevelopmenr of Internictiosal Standards,Guides and Recon-
A421/A421M - 21 Highvmay Standard Specification for Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concret