GB 7287.10-1987.Measuring method for normal spectral emittence of i nfrared heater.2.2.8 辐射测温仪,精度不低于土1 %。注:记录部分也可由A/D转换器、微型计算...
GB 7287.9-1987.Measuriog method for norm al total emittance of infrared beater.2.2.7辐射测温仪, 精度不低于+ 1 %。注:由探测器、放大系统及毫伏表组成的探测...
GB 7287.8-1987.Measuring method for pow er devlatlon rate of infrared heater.GB 7287.8适用于各类电热式红外辐射加热器(以下简称加热器)功率偏差率的测量。...
GB 7287.7-1987.Measurlog method for electrlc-to- radiaot power traosfer efflclency of lnfrared heater.GB 7287.7适用于电热式红外辐射加热器(以下简称加热器)电热辐射...
GB 7287.6-1987.Measuring method for insulation reslstance of Infrared heater.GB 7287.6适用于各类电热式红外辐射加热器(以下简称加热器)绝緣电阻的测量。1试样...
GB 7287.5-1987.Testing method for bearing cold and hot alternating change of infrared heater.GB 7287.5-1987 红外辐射加热器耐冷热交变性能试验方法适用于检验电热...
GB 7287.4-1987.Measuring method for tem perature rise tlme andfall time of lofrared heater.GB 7287.4适用于红外辐射加热器(以下简称加热器)升温时间和降温时间的...
GB 7287.3-1987.Measurlog method for the radio between radiant surface and rear surface of infrared heater.GB 7287.3适用于板状红外辐射加热器(以下简称加热器)的辐射...
GB 7287.2-1987.Measuring method for the surface tem perature distrlbuton of infrared heater.GB 7287.2适用于红外辐射加热器(以下简称加热器)的表面温度分布测量。...
GB 7287.1-1987.Detecting method for size, shape and exterlor of iofrared beater.GB 7287.1适用于红外辐射加热器(以下简称加热器)尺寸、形状及外观的检测。1试样...