GB/T 4741-1999.Standard test method for bending strength of ! ceramic materlals .1范圈GB/T 4741规定了用三点负荷法测定陶瓷材料室温抗弯强度的试验设备、试样...
GB/T 4739-1995.Methods for measuring the colorimetry of ceramic pigment.5.4按规定的彩烤温度进行彩烤,彩烤后进行选擇。试样应色彩鲜艳,色泽均匀光亮,内部...
GB 4738.2-1984.Standard test me thod for acid ,alkaline resistance for ceramic materials of daily use (particle test method ).3试剂3.1 硫酸(GB 625- 77)。3.2 氢氧化钠(GB 6...
GB 4738.1-1984.Standard test method for acid, alkaline resistance for ceramic materials of daily use(1ump test method ).3试剂3.1 硫酸(GB 625-77)。3.2氢氧化钠(GB 629- -77): ...
GB 4693-1984.The rules of examination of leather for acceptance.GB 4693适用j'各种皮革成品的验收。1皮单成品在入库前,应按照各种革的等级标准进行分类、...
GB 4689.2-1984.Leather一Conditioning of test pieces for physical tests.GB 4689.2规定了皮革物理性能检测试片在进行检测以前应在规定的温度、相对湿度和时...
GB 4689.1-1984.Leather -L aboratory sam ple一Location and identi fi cat loo.GB 4689.1规定了从- -片皮革上切取试验室样品的部位以及对切下样品进行标志的方法...
GB/T 4546-1998.Glass containers一Internal pressure resistance 一Method of test.1范围GB/T 4546规定了测定玻璃瓶罐耐内压力的二种试验方法。方法A是在预定时间...