GB/T 7975-2005.Paper and board-Determination of color( diffuse reflectance method).1范围GB/T 7975规定了用消除光泽的漫反射法测定纸和纸板颜色的方法。GB/T 79...
GB/T 7974 - 2002.Paper , board and pulp- Measurement of brightness-Diff/Geometry.GB/T 7974以模拟Ds光源、漫射/垂直照明观测条件下,纸、纸板和纸浆对主波长457...
GB/T 7973-2003.Paper , board and pulps-Measurement of diffuse reflectance factor(Diff/ Geometry).1范围GB/T 7973规定了测定纸、纸板和纸浆漫反射因数的基本条件,如...
GB/T 7612-1987.Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by leather machnery.5皮机的安装和运行条件5.1皮机的安装5.1.1 被测皮机一般应按产品说明书规...
GB 7056-1986.Determination of pull-out force of upper bands from bottom of slippers or sandals.1适用范围GB 7056方法分为A法和B法。A方法适用于测定冷粘L艺制造的拖...
GB/T 5432-2008.Test method for density of glass by buoyancy.1范围GB/T 5432规定了用浮力法测定25 C左右玻璃密度的方法。GB/T 5432适用于各类密度- - 致的玻璃...
GB/T 5305-2008.Packaging,marking, transportation and storage of hand tools.1范围GB/T 5305规定了手工具包装、标志、运输与贮存。GB/T 5305适用于作业用手工具产...
GB 5000-1985.Terms for domestic ceramics.5.28干燥收缩率 :percent of drying shrinkage试样成形后与干燥至恒重后长度之差对成形后长度的百分比称干燥线收缩...
GB 2798-1981.Types and dimensions of cylindrical and recessed caps.GB 2798适用于电光源用圆简式和凹式灯头。1圆简式和凹式灯头的型号应符合国家标准GB 1...
GB/T 2678. 5-1996.Paper , board and pulp-Determination of water soluble chhorides(AgNO; method).1范围GB/T 2678. 5规定了测定纸、纸板和纸浆水溶性氯化物的方法。...