GB 5704.2-1985.Measuring instruments for anthropome try Sliding caliper for anthropome try.2技术要求2.1 I型直脚规的尺框 上开有一-减轻槽: I型直脚规的尺框上开...
GB 5704. 1-1985.Measuring instruments for anthropome try Anthropome ter.1.2主尺杆:由相互连接的四节金属管(每节长500mm)及固定装配在第一节金属管顶端的固定...
GB 5560-1985.Surface active agents-Textile auxiliares Method for determination of active ingredients and polyethylene glycol contents in non- ionic polyoxyethylene type surface acti...
GB 5558-1985.Surface active agents-Textile auxiliaries Method for determination of wetting power in mercerisi ng bath.4试样的制备4.1 5 %试样溶液的制备将试样和标样(或...
GB 5556-1985.Surface active agents-Textile auxiliaries Method for determination of alkaline stabllity.GB 5556适用于水溶性的纺织助剂耐碱性的测试。1 方法原理碱对...
GB 5555一1985.Surface active agents-Textile auxiliaries Method for determination of acid stability.GB 5555适用于水溶性纺织助剂耐酸性的测定。1方法原理酸对某些...
GB 5553-1985.Surface active agents- Textile, auxiliaries Method for determination of water repellency of waterprooting agents- -Hydrostatic pressure test.GB 5553适用于防水剂的防...
GB 5552-1985.Surface active agents-Textile auxiliaries Method for testing of levelling properties of levelling agents for vat dyei ngs on callulosic fibres.GB 5552适用于还原染料...
GB/T 5551-1992.Surface active agents- Method for determination of total calcium and magneslum content in dispersing agents.GB/T 5551参照采用国际标准IsSO 2482- -1973工业用氯...
GB/T 5550-1998.Surface active agents-Determination of dispersing power.1范围GB/T 5550规定了表面活性剂分散力的测定方法。GB/T 5550适用于阴离子型分散剂分散...