SN/T 3463-2012.Classification standard for the risk of plant seed and nursery stock.1范围SN/T 3463规定了种苗风险分级的主要技术要素、分级方法和标准。SN/T 3...
SN/T 3455-2012.General requirements of reference material assessment for plant quarantine.1范围SN/T 3455规定了植物检疫领域病原菌类、杂草类、昆虫类等标准样品...
SN/T 3448-2012.Detection and identification of peach yellows phytoplasma.1范围SN/T 3448规定了桃树黄化植原体的检疫和鉴定方法。SN/T 3448适用于进出境桃树苗木...
SN/T 3441-2012.Detection and identification of A vena sterilis L.1范围SN/T 3441规定了植物检疫中不实野燕麦的检疫鉴定方法。SN/T 3441适用于所有不实野燕麦...
SN/T 3438-2012.Detection and identification of southern bean mosaic virus.1范围SN/T 3438规定了南方菜豆花叶病毒的血清学和分子生物学检测方法。SN/T 3438适用...
SN/T 3435-2012.Detection and identification of Fusarium oxys porum Schlecht. f. sp. elaeidis Toovey.1范围SN/T 3435规定了油棕枯萎病菌( Fusarium orys porum Schlecht. f. sp....
SN/T 3433-2012.Detection and identification of Rigido porus lignosus ( Klotzsch) Imaz.1范围SN/T 3433规定了出人境植物检疫中橡胶白根病菌Rigidoporus lignosus ( Klotz...
SN/T 3432-2012.Detection and identification of Dia porthe helianthi Muntanola-Cvetkovic.1范围SN/T 3432规定了向日葵茎溃疡病菌的分离培养及分子生物学鉴定方法。...
SN/T 3392-2012.Codes of examination of Borrelia burgdorferi at frontier port.1范围SN/T 3392规定了国境口岸菜姆病螺旋体的检验对象、方法、生物安全要求及结...
SN/T 3391-2012.Codes of examination of Babesia at frontier port.1范围SN/T 3391规定了国境口岸巴贝西原虫检验对象、方法、结果报告、生物安全要求及结果判...