SN/T 1688.6-2012.Rules for the inspection of power-driven vehicles for import and export-Part 6: Vehicle engines.1范围SN/T 1688.6规定了进出口车用发动机的技术要求、检...
SN/T 1673-2013.Quarantine protocol for infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis.1范围SN/T 1673规定了进出口对虾中传染性皮下和造血器官坏死的现场检疫...
SN/T 1657.13-2014.Rules for the inspection of motor-operated electric tools for import and export-Part 13 : Transportable band saws.1范围SN/T 1657.13规定了进出口可移式带锯...
SN/T 1652-2017.Determination of contaminants in gas turbine and diesel engine fuel for import and export-Rotating disc electrode atomic emission spectrometry method.1范围SN/T 1652规...
SN/T 1619-2017.Classification standards for plant post-entry quarantine station.1范围SN/T 1619规定了植物隔离检疫圃通用要求及隔离检疫圃分级的管理和技术要...
SN/T 1603.4-2012.Rules for the inspection of audio , video and similar electronic apparatus for import and export- Part 4: Video disc player.1范围SN/T 1603.4规定了进出口视盘...
SN/T 1512-2005.Method of inspection for import and export cotton-HVI test method.1范围SN/T 1512规定了用HVI检验进出口棉花的马克隆值、长度及均匀度.断裂强度和...
SN/T 1510-2005.Determination of citronellal and oxygenous compounds in natural citronella oil for export- -Gas chromatography method.1范围SN/T 1510规定了出口天然香茅油中香...
SN/T 1486-2016.Detection of yellow fever virus in imported mosquitoes.1范围SN/T 1486规定了国境口岸输人性蚊类携带黄热病毒的检测对象、生物安全措施、仪器...
SN/T 1313-2015.Codes of surveillance for flies at frontier port.1范围SN/T 1313规定了国境口岸蝇类监测的方法、程序。SN/T 1313适用于国境口岸蝇类监测工作。...