SN/T 2993-2011.Determination of fluoride and chloride in phosphorus ore-Ion chromatography.1范围SN/T 2993规定了磷矿石中氟和氯的离子色谱测定方法。SN/T 2993适用于...
SN/T 2638.3-2012.Determination of sulfur content in manganese ores for import and export-High temperature combustion infrared absorption method.1范围SN/T 2638.3规定了锰矿石中...
SN/T 2591.1-2010.Determination of phthalates in electrical and electronic equipment-Part 1:Gas chromatography.1范围SN/T 2591.1规定了电子电气产品塑料部件中12种邻苯二...
SN/T 2389.9-2012.Rules for the measurement survey of import and export commodities-Part 9:Assessment of the quantity of liquid cargo in tanker's pipeline.1范围SN/T 2389.9规定了液...
SN/T 2389.3-2010.Rules for measurement survey on import and export commodities-Part 3 :Static measurement of orimusion in vertical metal shore-tank.1范围SN/T 2389.3规定了进出口...
SN/T 2381-2009.Methods for sampling and sample preparation of acid-grade fluorspar powder in bags for export.1范围SN/T 2381规定了出口袋装酸级氟石粉的取样和制样方法...
SN/T 2371-2017.Rules for heat treatment of wood packaging material.1范围SN/T 2371规定了木质包装材料的热处理方法及操作程序。SN/T 2371适用于出境货物木质包...
SN/T 2028-2015.Terms for entry and exit animal quarantine.1范围SN/T 2028规定了出人境动物检疫的基本术语及定义。SN/T 2028适用于出人境动物检疫及相关领域...
SN/T 2000-2013.Determination of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment- General guidelines.1范围SN/T 2000给出了电子电气产品中有毒有害物质...
SN/T 1839-2006.Rules for the quarantine of importing and exporting mango.1范围SN/T 1839规定了进出境芒果的检疫方法及检疫结果的评定。SN/T 1839适用于进出境芒...