SN/T 3658-2013.Codes for surveillance of rubella at frontier port.1范围SN/T 3658规定了国境口岸风疹监测的对象、内容与方法、结果判定和处置。SN/T 3658适用...
SN/T 1460-2015.Detection methods for west nile virus and St.Louis encephalitis virus carried by imported mosquitoes.1范围SN/T 1460规定了国境口岸输入性蚊类携带西尼罗...
SN/T 1309.7-2011.Rules for footwear inspection- Part 7 : Cloth footwear.1范围SN/T 1309.7规定了布鞋的抽样、检验、结果判定及不合格处置。SN/T 1309.7适用于以纺...
SN/T 1048-2002.Cereals and feedstuffs for import and export-Identification for barley variety-Method of protein electrophoresis.1范围SN/T 1048规定了进出口大麦品种鉴定的...
SN/T 1021-2012.Inspection and quarantine procedure for export nereis on the spot.1范围SN/T 1021规定了出境沙蚕的现场检疫监管程序和要求。SN/T 1021适用于出口及...
SN/T 1007-2001.Rules for the inspection of garlic sprout for import and export.1范围SN/T 1007规定了进出口鲜蒜苔的定义、抽样、品质检验、质量鉴定和包装标志...
SN/T 1056-2002.Quantitative analysis method of import and export bi-component fibre interweaving-Method of yarn-breaking and weighing.1范围SN/T 1056规定了进出口二组分纤维...
SN/T 0192-2017.Determination of bromopropylate residue in fruits for export.1范围SN/T 0192规定了水果中溴螨酯残留量的检测和确证方法。SN/T 0192适用于苹果、樱...
SN/T 2592.2-2010.Determination of organotin compounds in electrical and electronic equipment-Part 2 :Screening by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry.1范围SN/T 2592.2规定了电...
SN/T 1305-2017.Codes of sanitary supervision for the garbage-collected service to the international vehicles.1范围SN/T 1305规定了对国际航行交通工具垃圾清运单位卫生...