SN/T 0966-2000.Rules for the inspection of flusher for import and export.1范围SN/T 0966规定了进出口冲洗器的抽样、检验方法和检验结果的判定。SN/T 0966适用于...
SN/T 0959-2000.Rules for the inspection of wood power-working drills for import and export.1范围SN/T 0959规定了进出口机用木工钻的抽样、检验及结果的判定方法。...
SN/T 0956-2000.Rules for the inspection of handled briefcase for import and export.1范围SN/T 0956规定了进出口手提公文箱的抽样、检验及检验结果的判定。SN/T...
SN/T 0953-2000.Rules for the inspection of dyed linen-cotton or ramie-cotton woven fabrics for import and export.1范围SN/T 0953规定了进出口麻棉印染布的品种规格、取...
SN/T 0951-2000.Method for the determination of tungsten trioxide content in ammonium paratungstate for import and export.1范围SN/T 0951规定了进出口仲钨酸铵中三氧化钨含...
SN/T 0949-2000.Rules for the inspection of loudspeaker system for mobile or personal computer for import and export.1范围SN/T 0949规定了进出口汽车及个人计算机用音箱...
SN/T 0946-2000.Method for the determination of total sediment in residual fuels for import and export.1范围SN/T 0946规定了进出口残渣燃料油中总沉渣物的测定方法。...
SN/T 0941-2000.Rules for the inspection of wet blue chrome leather for import and export.1范围SN/T 0941规定了进出口铬鞣(蓝)湿革的抽样、检验及检验结果的判定。...
SN/T 0933-2000.Import and export transportable motor-operated electric tools-Rules for the inspection of cut-off machines.1范围SN/T 0933规定了进出口型材切割机的抽样、...
SN/T 0907-2000.Rules for the inspection of degummed ramie for import and export.1范围SN/T 0907规定了进出口苎麻精干麻的定义、取样及回潮率残油率、残胶率纤...