SN/T 0559-1996.Rules of the inspection on room's clothes for export.1范围SN/T 0559规定了出口室内服装的外观质量、包装质量检验,以及抽样、检验条件、检验...
SN/T 0555-1996.Rules of the inspection on suits and coats for export.1范围SN/T 0555规定了西服大衣的外观质量、包装质量检验,以及抽样、检验的条件方法和检...
SN/T 0550.1-1996.Determination of iron , aluminium and calcium for export silicon metal-Photometric method.1范围SN/T 0550.1规定了用磺基水杨酸分光光度法测定金属硅中...
SN/T 0542-1996.Test method for determination of quingline-insoluble(QI)content in exported coal tar.1范围SN/T 0542规定了用过滤法测定出口煤焦油喹啉不溶物测定方法...
SN/T 0541.2-2011.Inspection of import and export standard rubber-Part 2: Determination of plasticity and plasticity retention index.1范围SN/T 0541.2规定了标准橡胶塑性值(...
SN/T 0507-1995.Rules for the inspection of open front mechanical power presses for export.1主题内容与适 用范围SN/T 0507规定了出口开式压力机(以下简称压力机)的...
SN/T 0473-2003.Rules of inspection of greasy wool for import and export.1范围SN/T 0473规定了进出口含脂毛质量、毛基、植物性杂质基、洗净率、平均纤维直径...
SN/T 0462-95.Method of determination for individual content of composition in nylon rabbit hair and lamb's wool bool blended kniting yarn for import and export.1主题内容与适用范...
SN/T 0613.1-1996.Rules for inspection of safety requirments for import and export room air conditioners.1范围SN/T 0613.1规定了进出口房间空气调节器(以下简称空调器...
SN/T 0566-1996.Determination of available phosphorus for import and export calcined aluminium phosphate.1范围SN/T 0566规定了磷酸铝钙有效磷的测定方法。SN/T 0566适用...