SN/T 0244-93.General rules for the inspecting and drafting certificates of machineries ,electric appliances , instruments for import.1主题内容 与适用范围1.1 主题内容SN/...
SN/T 0241-93.Rules for the inspection of miniature light sets for export.1主题内容 与适用范围SN/T 0241规定了出口小型节日灯串商检检验的抽样,检验及检验结...
SN/T 0240-93.Rules for the inspection of multi-meter for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0240规定了出口万用电表的抽样、检验及检验结果的判定规则。SN...
SN/T 0238-93.Rules for the inspection of water meters for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0238规定了出口水表的抽样、检验及检验结果的判定规则。SN/T 02...
SN/T 0237-93.Rules for the inspection of complete set of equipment or whole plant for import.1主题内容与适用范围1.1 SN/T 0237规定了对进口成套设备实施检验应执行...
SN/T 0234-93.Rules for .the inspection of rolling bearings for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0234规定了出口滚动轴承的抽样、检验和检验结果的判定规则。...
SN/T 0233-93.Rules for the inspection of welding machines for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0233规定了出口电阻焊机、电弧焊机的抽样、检验及检验结果的...
SN/T 0115-92.Rule for inspection of raw sheep and lamb skins for import.1主要内容和适用范围SN/T 0115规定了进口生旱獭皮抽样、检验和质量等级要求。SN/T 0...
SN/T 0111-92.Rule for inspection of supplits leather for import.1主要内容和适用范围SN/T 0111规定进口二层革抽验方法、检验程序、质量要求和物理化学性能...
SN/T 0009.2-2009.General rules for drafting inspection and quarantine standards of survey on import and export commodities-Part 2 :Measurement survey.1范围SN/T 0009.2规定了进出...