SN/T 0270-93.Rules for the inspection of transport packaging for export commodities-Fibre removable head drum.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0270规定了出口商品运输包装纸...
SN/T 0269-93.Rules for the inspection of transport packaging for export commodities- Plastics receptacle in steel drum.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0269规定了出口商品运输...
SN/T 0267-2014.Rules for the inspection of transport packaging for export commodities-Gunny-bag.1范围SN/T 0267规定了出口商品运输包装以黄麻、洋麻为主要原料的麻...
SN/T 0265-93.Rules for the inspection of transport packaging for export commodities-Non-removable head steel drum.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0265规定了出口商品运输包装...
SN/T 0263-93.Rules for the inspection of transport packaging forexport commodities- Polysterol foamed box.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0263规定了出口商品运输包装聚苯乙...
SN/T 0258.1~0258.2-93.Rules for the inspection of general-purpose steel and cast iron pipe fittings for export.1主题内容 与适用范围SN/T 0258.1~0258.2规定了出口碳钢、合...
SN/T 0250-93.Rules for the inspection of truck crane and mobile crane for export.1主题内容 与适用范围SN/T 0250规定了出口汽车起重机和轮胎起重机(以下简称出...
SN/T 0249-93.Rules for the inspection of welded wire fabric coated with hot-galvanizing for export.1主题内容 与适用范围SN/T 0249规定了出口热镀锌电焊网的技术条件...
SN/T 0247-93.Rules for the inspection of electrical machines for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0247规定了除控制,牵引及船舶专用电机以外的各类旋转电机...
SN/T 0246-93.Rules for the inspection of plezoelectric ceramic buzzer for export.1主题内容与适 用范围SN/T 0246规定了出口压电陶瓷蜂鸣片抽样、检验和检验结果...